Wednesday, February 27, 2008

...or else!

i'd just like to comment that private school sucks. yeah yeah yeah, we're smart, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get a better education than you, yeah, yeah, yeah, its the good life.
but i am so tired of it. my life priorities are all outta wack. I mean forrealz, everyone around me is like "I'm going to kill myself if I get a B-, blah blah blah." And i know I should put school at a higher priority because C's are just not cool, but does it have to be the NUMERO UNO????!

i recieved this email today from my chemistry teacher::

"Shelby, it appears that I do not have your lab book --- failure to submit a lab book is an automatic failure for the trimester. I will take it tomorrow before we leave for community service, otherwise it will turn to a zero"

I read that like 8 times before I got to the point: failure to submit a lab book is an automatic failure for the trimester. like WHAT????!!!!!! its a stupid book and i'm going to fail Chemistry for it?! Jesus.
How snobby is that!? "It appearrsssssss i do not have your labbook." Shuv it up your ass, mr. b. SHOVE IT.


Anonymous said...

don't go