Wednesday, February 20, 2008

hipster is not nessarily a bad word

i'm tired of people calling me a 'hipster' and then complaining about how much hipsters suck. i think people are getting 'hipster' confused with 'scenester'....which is death. soooooo since i trust with my life i will SHOW YOU why hipsters are better.

Scenester: A person who is scene, obviously. The basic goal of a scenester is to be non-conformist, and in order to do that, they conform to the scene style. In other words, they are a complete and utter poser. Typical scene style and behavior consists of:
-short, choppy, black hair (this is a must for males and females), often with a stripe or chunk of an unnatural color or bleach.
-band shirts, generally emo bands
-skinny jeans for girls, girls jeans for guys
-Converses or Vans
-bright colors paired with black
-polka dots
-dinosaurs, robots, or other kiddyish fantasy-type ideas
-girly ribbons for girls
-Myspace account, with tons of pouty pictures at weird angles
-typing (and often talking) with weird phrases, like HARDXCORE, KTHNXBAI, and others

Hipsters: 15-25 year olds who love indie rock, modern poetry, art galleries, thrift stores, and independent films. Generally they dress in band t-shirts, subdued blazers, and jeans (not too loose or too tight). They have messy (generally) non-dyed brown hair.

Not to be confused with scenesters. Hipsters are pretty cool besides their snobby pretension, but scenesters are vain idiots. If you're not sure if someone is one way or the other, ask them if they have a MySpace. If they excitedly give you their address and go on and on about it, it's a scenester. If they stare blankly it's a hipster.

ok so i do have a myspace....but it's only so i can view pics of bands and shit like this. :D

sooooooooooooo. there ya go, fools.